MDE Rhino Pak Silage Roller

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Compaction is a crucial factor in producing quality silage.

Research indicates that the amount and the quality of compaction has a direct correlation to the quality of the silage that is produced. The more time that is spent rolling the silage stack to remove air pockets, and to compress the stored grass not only allows more tonnage to be stored per stack, but also improves the silage quality.

Removing air pockets reduces the percentage of air trapped in your silage stack, preventing the multiplication of aerobic bacteria and fungi that consume plant sugars, and generates heat due to increased microbial activity.

Reducing air pockets or air within the silage stack, speeds up the process of silage fermentation. Once the aerobic bacteria have consumed the oxygen, the anaerobic bacteria multiple and start to convert the plant sugars into lactic acid, that lower the pH of the silage stack preventing soilage due to mould growth or harmful bacteria and preserves the nutritional quality.

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